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Training workshop on Darfur Land rights, Justice & advocacy

Training workshop on Darfur Land rights, Justice & advocacy

October 23, 2022, Zalengei, Western Darfur State, SalaaMedia Centre for Cultural Studies and Development conducted a three-days training workshop, in cooperation with Darfur journalists Association and media personnel, supported by Freedom House

, at the College of Community Development of Zalengei University.

The workshop advocated for justice and land rights in Darfur, targeting 20 male and female media personnel, journalists, electronic media, resistance committees, representatives of displaced persons (IDPs) camps, and a number of lawmakers.

 Mr. Sufian El-Tigani, Director of Programs and Projects at SalaaMedia Center for Cultural Studies and Development, stressed that the workshop addressed land issues, under the umbrella of human rights, Sudanese land laws, international law and lands in harmony with the perspective of the native administration and customary laws in Darfur.

However, these workshops are meant to be the second version of Darfur Land Rights, Justice and Advocacy project, aiming to enlighten the citizen of his/ her rights on land issues and land resource-based conflict resolutions, nevertheless, Darfur has suffered the tragedy of wars and conflicts over the past two decades, thereafter, land issue is the root-cause of conflict, while raising community awareness   of land issues looms over.

This project contributes to enacting land-related policies and laws, land disputes resolution through courts, however, customary laws are likely to play a role in resolving land disputes.

The participants were trained on how to conduct news coverage in land-based disputes zones, moreover, journalists ought to be highly skilled in covering and addressing these sensitive events so as not to fuel the conflict nor create a new one.

According to Mr. Mohamed Mustafa Al-Zaki, a member of the Association of Journalists and media personnel in Darfur, stressed that the workshop came within the framework of the Association's efforts to heighten the efficiency and capabilities of media personnel and journalists in Darfur states, hence, enabling them to work efficiently on peacebuilding and land related issues.

The Association has established partnerships with a number of centres and institutes to train and strengthen  journalists  and media personnel`s capabilities, calling on the workshop participants to work in a conscious manner, in line with effective contribution to raising community awareness regarding land issues.

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